Finding Wild Turkeys In The City of Oakland

Image Courtesy of Dan Smith

Don’t move to the city if you want to be close to nature – or so the thinking goes.

One could easily argue that cities are the antithesis of the natural world. They’re artificial, concrete covered landscapes dotted with parks to cultivate plants and zoos to exhibit animals. The entire place has been designed for humans.

Knowing this, I didn’t expect to see much nature when I first moved to Oakland. So, one can only imagine my shock at discovering wild turkeys living within the city.

Oakland Needs To Stop Stealing Its Own History

Oakland, California doesn’t have the greatest reputation. Crime, failed redevelopment efforts, and petty politics all contribute to this.

That aside, I’ve been living in Oakland since 2008, and I really do enjoy it here. The weather is better than San Francisco. It has decent public transportation and freeway access. Not to mention, the cost of living is more reasonable than other areas around the Bay.

However, the way Oakland disregards its own history is really sad, as was recently seen by the theft of a monument to the USS Maine.